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LPG - liquefied petroleum gas or liquid petroleum gas – (LP gas), the constituents of which are propane and butane, are flammable hydrocarbon fuel gases used for LPG heating, cooking and vehicles.

Liquefied Petroleum Gas is typically referred to by its acronym – LPG. LPG is mixture of flammable hydrocarbon gases that include propane, butane, isobutane and mixtures of the three LPG gases. LPG is commonly used for home heating gases, cooking, hot water, and autogas – fuel for LPG cars and vehicles.

LPG gas comes from oil and gas wells, as it is a fossil fuel. LPG gas manufacturing process includes natural gas processing and the crude oil refinery process.

LPG, liquefied through pressurisation, comes from natural gas processing and oil refining.

LPG - Liquefied petroleum gas or liquid petroleum gas, also denoted as just propane or butane, are both flammable hydrocarbon gases used as fuel for LPG heating gases, cooking and vehicular fuel.

LPG is made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms forming propane and butane whilst natural gas is made up of lighter methane, the simplest carbon and hydrogen molecule.

LPG is comprised primarily of propane and butane LPG heating gases, whilst the natural gas primary constituent is methane. LPG is made up of a group of flammable hydrocarbon gases that are liquefied through pressurisation and commonly used as fuel. Natural gas is liquefied cryogenically.

LPG is made up of a number of gases under the LPG products label, including propane, butane, isobutane and mixtures of these gases and are also referred to as natural gas liquids – NGL.

LPG is stored in steel vessels ranging from small BBQ gas bottles to larger gas cylinders and tanks.

LPG heating gases are propane and butane. They are commonly used for generating heat for home heating, hot water, cooking and commercial applications, including boilers. Isobutane is the other common LPG gas but is not typically used for heating.

The main uses of isobutane are as a petrol (gasoline) additive, as a refrigerant and as a feed stock for plastics.

LPG comes from drilling oil and gas wells.

It is a fossil fuel that does not occur in isolation.

LPG products are found naturally in combination with other hydrocarbon fuels, typically crude oil and natural gas.

LPG is produced during natural gas processing and oil refining.

It is isolated, liquefied through pressurisation and stored in pressure vessels.LPG heating gas is an eco-friendly choice, as it is a low carbon, low sulphur fuel. LPG products result in lower CO2 emissions than other energy sources, such as coal fired electricity. For example, with coal fired electricity, replacing your electric hot water system with a 6-Star LPG continuous flow hot water system may reduce the greenhouse gas emissions produced from your hot water use by about 75%.

LPG heating gas is an eco-friendly choice, as it is a low carbon, low sulphur fuel. LPG products result in lower CO2 emissions than other energy sources, such as coal fired electricity. For example, with coal fired electricity, replacing your electric hot water system with a 6-Star LPG continuous flow hot water system may reduce the greenhouse gas emissions produced from your hot water use by about 75%.

LPG is Liquefied Petroleum Gas and PNG is Piped Natural Gas. LPG is supplied in liquid form just as the name suggests in cylinders whereas PNG is supplied through a pipeline. LPG is used as a fuel in heating appliances and vehicles, where as PNG is used for cooking (gas stoves) and heating water (gas geysers).

Yes, Absolutely. PNG is more advantageous than LPG. There are several reasons as to why PNG is more advantageous than LPG.

Continuous and uninterrupted supply - PNG will be supplied to your house 24 hours a day, 7 days a week all through the year. You do not need to worry about storing PNG.

Easily available - Once you get a connection, you will get it supplied to your house continuously through a pipeline. PNG is available as and when you want it. When you witch your gas stove on or turn on your geyser, it will instantaneously be available.

Safety 24x7 - PNG is absolutely safe. The pressure of PNG is just 21 millibar. The pressure of PNG is 200 times lesser than gas supplied through cylinders. Natural gas is lighter than air, in case of any leakage; it will instantaneously mix with air and evaporate. But, LPG is heavier than air, and so in case of any leakage, it will settle down in the surroundings, leaving higher chances of fire from the cylinder. Hence, PNG is safer than LPG for your family.

Safety valves and Pressure Regulators are installed on pipelines at certain intervals for safety purposes. These pipelines have control and inspection devices to regulate the flow in the pipeline. The pipelines used for connections have minimal holes due to which there is negligible chance of leakage of gas.

Free from any Gas booking worries. Once you have your gas connection through PNG, you do not need to book you gas every month and wait for the cylinder. The gas is instantaneously available through pipelines 24 x 7.

It is highly trustworthy - PNG is supplied and metered just like electricity. Since it is measured just like electricity through meters, there is absolutely zero chance of any tampering or the customer receiving lower weight like LPG upplied in cylinders. The reading for this natural gas received through pipelines is registered only for its actual consumption taken place.

Clutter free and space free - The LPG cylinder occupies space in the kitchen. However, PNG is supplied through a half-inch pipeline which occupies almost close to negligible pace when set up.

Pay for what you use - In case of PNG, you have to pay as per the consumption only. This is unlike LPG cylinder where you cannot use all the gas as some quantity is always left in the cylinder.